Starts at 60 Daily Joke: A vegetarian wanted to try pork

He needed to try some pork just to see what it tasted like. Source: Pexels.

The leader of a vegetarian society just couldn’t control himself anymore. He needed to try some pork just to see what it tasted like. So one day he told his members he was going on a holiday.

He drove just out of town and headed to the nearest restaurant. After sitting down, he ordered a roasted pig and impatiently waited for his delicacy. After just a few minutes, he heard someone call his name and to his surprise, he saw one of his fellow members walking towards him.

Just at that same moment the waiter walked over with a huge platter holding a full roasted pig with an apple in its mouth.

“Well, isn’t that something,” the leader said after a lengthy pause, “all I do is order an apple and look what it comes with!”

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