Daily Joke: Oh ‘deer’, what a hunting trip

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Three guys go deer hunting in the woods. After a few days, none of them had gotten a deer. One day, one of the three mysteriously disappeared. The others stayed at the camp, hoping he would return.

Two days later, he came back with a deer and a smile. The others were surprised and congratulated him. “Man, that’s awesome! How did you do it?” The hunter smiled and said, “I saw tracks, I followed the tracks, I found a deer. I got that deer.”

The next day, the second guy goes out, and sure enough, he returns with a bigger deer. He said, “I saw tracks, I followed the tracks, I found a deer. I got that deer.”

Finally, the last guy decides to go. However, a full week passes before he returns. His body is beaten, cut, and bruised. His friends say, “Man, what the hell happened?”

He sighed and said, “I saw tracks, I followed the tracks, and I got hit by a train!”

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