Daily Joke: Baby polar bear identity crisis

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A baby polar bear went to its mother and asked, “Mum, am I really a polar bear?”

“Of course, my son, you are a lovely polar bear. Now go outside and play,” Mum answered.

Ten minutes later, the baby polar bear returned and said, “Mum, are you really sure I am a polar bear?”

“Of course you are a polar bear. Look at your lovely white coat, black nose, and big eyes. You’re a beautiful polar bear, now go away and play,” Mum responded.

The baby polar bear went outside, but 10 minutes later, he came back to his mother and said, “Mum, are you really, really sure I’m a polar bear?”

Mother Polar Bear, now getting annoyed with her son, said, “I have told you twice you are a polar bear. What’s your problem? Why do you keep asking me?”

The baby polar bear replied, “Because I’m cold.”

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