Daily Joke: An elderly woman was chatting with fellow beachgoers

Sep 29, 2020
She bragged to fellow beachgoers about her grandchildren. Source: Getty.

An elderly, wealthy woman was boring fellow beachgoers as she bragged on and on about her two remarkable grandchildren.

Unable to stand it any longer, a fellow sunbather interrupted her.

“Tell me, how old are your grandsons?”

The grandmother gave a grateful smile and replied: “The doctor is four and the lawyer is six…”

A wife decides to teach her husband a lesson

There is a man who goes out drinking all the time and comes home very late every night. So one night his wife decides to teach him a lesson.

She dresses up like the devil and decides to hide in the dark and scare him when he gets home. The man comes home and his wife jumps out and screams in his face.

He just looks at her and says: “You don’t scare me. I am married to your sister!”

A young and foolish pilot wanted was flying at night for the first time

A young and foolish pilot wanted to sound cool on the aviation frequencies. This was his first time approaching a field during the nighttime.

Instead of making any official requests to the tower he said: “Guess who?”

The controller switched the field lights off and replied: “Guess where?”

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