A mobile phone rings in a locker room, a man answers it and puts it on speaker
Man: “Hello!”
Woman: “Hi honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?”
Man: “Yes.”
Woman: “I’m at the shopping centre and I just saw this beautiful leather coat and it’s only $2,000, can i have it?
Man: “Sure!”
Woman: “Oh, and I just stopped by at the Lexus dealership and saw a car I really liked, can I have it?
Man “How much is it?”
Woman: “$90,000.”
Man: “Well if it’s that much I want it with all the features.”
Woman: “Of course I will! Oh yeah, one more thing. I just finished talking to Sarah, and the house I wanted is back on the market, they’re asking $880,000 for it.”
Man: “Ok, make an offer for $900,000, if they don’t take it offer them an extra $80,000 if that’s what you really want.”
Woman: “Thank you so much honey, love you, bye!”
Man: “Love you too, bye.”
The man hung up, everyone in the locker room was staring at him in astonishment. The man then calmly looked around and asked:” Anyone know who’s phone this is?”