Starts at 60 Daily Joke: A CEO sees a lazy worker in his factory

The new CEO of a factory comes into work, determined to turn things around. Source: Pexels.

The new CEO of a factory comes into work, determined to turn things around. He sees a man standing on the floor of a factory, not doing any work.

He goes up to the man and asks, “What do you think you’re doing?”

The man shrugs and replies, “Just hanging around. Waiting to get paid.”

The CEO gets angry and asks the man’s monthly salary. The man tells him it is $1,000. The CEO pulls out his wallet, gives the man $1,000 and says, “Here’s your month salary. I pay people to work here not stand around and do nothing. Get out and never come back.”

The man takes the money and leaves.

The CEO turns to the other workers and says, “See that everyone? That’s how it’s going to be around here from now on.”

Suddenly a voice from the back shouts, “Uh, sir, that was the pizza delivery guy.”

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