As we get older, our bones naturally lose some of their density. If allowed to continue unchecked, this can ultimately lead to fractures, chronic pains or disability later in life.
2 in 3 Australians over 50 – the majority of people reading this – currently have osteoporosis or osteopenia. Yet so many of us are completely unaware of the condition – let alone the devastating risks we could face in the years ahead.
This is particularly important for women, whose calcium requirements quietly but significantly increase after menopause.
Thankfully, it’s not too late to turn things around with some simple (even fun) steps.
We spoke with Dr Sonia Davison, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health Endocrinologist, about how older Australians – and particularly older women – can look after their bones.
“Osteoporosis is often described as being a ‘silent’ disease,” says Dr Davison, “meaning that the bones are thin without giving any symptoms”.
“The bone thinning process begins from around the early 30s but accelerates in the first few years around menopause.”
“Any steps that women can take to maximise bone density will help them to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis or having fractures in their later years.”
Dr Davison says one of the best ways to improve bone health is to work more calcium into your diet. Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt are among the best ways to accomplish this.
In short, dairy can help you live the life you want. And that healthier, happier future can begin today.
The rich nutrients of dairy can not only strengthen your bones, but also reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. But very few older women meet their recommended daily requirements.
“There are guidelines for the amount of calcium recommended at different times of life,” says Dr Davison, “and for postmenopausal women this is around 1300mg per day”.
This is the equivalent of 4 dairy serves per day, which is surprisingly easy to accomplish. Click here for some great, calcium-rich recipe ideas!
Weight-bearing exercises are another vital step toward long-term bone health. It can be as simple as walking, running or dancing – any physical activity in which the bones are made to sustain the weight of your body.
Dr Davison also recommends:
Will you be taking part in the Fit, Fab & 50 challenge this August?
This post is sponsored by Dairy Australia and written independently by the Starts at 60 team. For more information, please visit the Healthy Bones Action Week website.
For symptom relief, people often unnecessarily cut out or limit dairy foods from their diet. For more information on dairy and digestive health, please follow the links below: