Expert reveals the best sleeping position for maintaining good posture

Aug 20, 2024
Experts have long maintained that certain sleeping positions can lead to aches, pains, and even chronic health problems over time. Source: Getty Images.

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being, but did you know that the position you sleep in can affect your posture and overall health?

Experts have long maintained that certain sleeping positions can lead to aches, pains, and even chronic health issues over time and now an expert in posture has disclosed the sleeping position deemed as the most detrimental to one’s body, stating that it can cause more harm than good.

According to James Leinhardt, it’s best to avoid sleeping on your stomach due to the potential for muscle strain in the back and spine, which can result in ongoing discomfort.

Leinhardt showcased the problematic position in a TikTok video, shedding light on the potential issues that may arise.

“This is literally the worst ever sleeping position,” he explained.

“You’re rotating your neck, you’re twisting it, you’re putting your head up, you’re fighting all the natural curves of your spine, you’re compressing your vertebrae, you’re getting pins and needles, neck and back pain.

“And you still do it every night, why? It’s not comfy, it’s just what you’re familiar with. It’s just what your body’s used to. Does this look comfy to you?”

Watch on TikTok

Leinhardt presented a simple and hassle-free alternative in a subsequent video, which he claimed would reduce discomfort.

“First of all, you want a pillow between the tip of your ear and the tip of your shoulder,” he said.

“The second thing you’re going to do is put a pillow between your knees and ankles that’s going to support and stabilise this hip and keep you feeling safer and you’re less likely to bring that leg over.

“You’re going to de-weight that top shoulder, hug it and again you’re more stable and less likely to roll over.

“Try this for 30 minutes tonight. If you don’t like it, if it doesn’t work out, go back to that car crash of a sleeping position and start again tomorrow.

“This is absolutely easy for you to achieve, just try it.”

When it comes to sleep it’s not only the position you sleep in that’s important, it’s also the quality of sleep you are getting each night.

Quality sleep helps your body repair and recover, enhances memory and mood, boosts energy levels, and promotes brain development and cardiac function.

However, as we age, our sleep patterns often change, and it becomes more common to experience difficulty falling and staying asleep.

Sleep Expert Carmel Harrington, who has a PhD in Sleep Medicine explains that “from around the age of 20, deep sleep decreases continuously and in old age makes up only about 10 per cent of our total sleep time.”

If you are finding it difficult to get a proper night’s sleep each night there are a number of supposed remedies to help someone fall asleep faster and deeper, but if counting sheep isn’t doing the trick then Harrington suggests some enjoyable and “mentally stimulating” activities to help you drift off come bedtime.

“A great thing to take up is dancing – it is a physical and mental challenge and is lots of fun! And having fun is important when it comes to sleep,” she said.

“It’s important as we age, to continue to exercise regularly and refrain from sleeping during the day. A 20-minute nap is ok, but definitely no longer.”

Harrington also extols the virtues of routine and establishing healthy habits to improve the quality of sleep.

Some of Harrington’s Do’s and Dont’s for ensuring healthy sleeping habits include:


  • Get up at the same time every day.
  • Exercise for at least 20 minutes per day (a walk at lunchtime is good)
  • Make sure you deal with the issues of the day during the day and not when you get into bed. In the early evening, spend no more than 20 minutes writing events of the day that are of concern along with potential solutions. Close the book and put it away.
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  • Sleep in for more than an hour past your regular wake-up time on the weekends
  • Have caffeine after midday
  • Drink alcohol – more than one glass a day will affect your sleep quality
  • Sleep during the day (a nap of 20 minutes is ok)


IMPORTANT LEGAL INFO This article is of a general nature and FYI only, because it doesn’t take into account your personal health requirements or existing medical conditions. That means it’s not personalised health advice and shouldn’t be relied upon as if it is. Before making a health-related decision, you should work out if the info is appropriate for your situation and get professional medical advice.

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