A Bronx cheer of epic proportions!

Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, ruled the Roman empire for a brief period between 218 and 222 AD. Elagabalus, as he was commonly known, had a reputation for having “abandoned himself to the grossest pleasures and ungoverned fury”. By all accounts he lead an unspeakably disgusting life. Not only was he known for his eccentricity and decadence, he was barely 14 when he took the throne.

So it probably comes as no surprise that the first noted recording of the Whoppee Cushion emanates from his reign!

Over the years, the turbulent bumbag has provided an endless source of toilet-humour the world over.

I personally remember one Christmas day, only a few years back, where each of the kids received a windy blaster from Santa. By the end of the day all three of their grand fathers had been ‘got’ by the razzberry maker, with each of them having blown a hole out the side of the cushion. Must have been a bad batch. It was an eye-watering result!

But now, as you will see from the video below, a gentleman has taken the cushion and its flatulent effect to new heights. And his cat does not seem to be that impressed.

Do you have a favourite Whoppee Cushion memory? Do you still find humour in them today…buy them for the grandkids even?

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