Things to do AFTER you turn 60

May 13, 2015

Yes, you read that right: “Things to do AFTER you turn 60”. We generally get a list of things to do “before” turning 60. But life doesn’t have to end after 60. Surely, we get into retirement, but the fun just starts as we have all the time in the world to enjoy things that we might have sacrificed earlier in life. There are challenges and no less amount of uncertainty, but it is the lack of a definite outcome which makes the experience all the more interesting. If you think this isn’t possible, then think again. I have done all of this and much more AFTER turning 60, and I have loved doing all of it. I am sure you will love it too.


Learn Something New

Now that you have turned 60 (and probably retired from work), you have all the time in the world. Use this time to learn something new, even it means learning a new language or taking up a new hobby. You might be a little hesitant at first and confidence may not be your strongest attributes. But don’t think that it is not possible to learn something new at 60. I have done it and so have many more like me. All it needs is a little nudge and you will be amazed at the progress that you make.


Develop New Relationships

If you are single or have just separated, then you should definitely try to develop a new relationship again. Remember, you are never too old to do anything, and that includes dating. Surely, it would not be anything remotely similar to the dating that young people do. But it would get you a partner with whom you can share your precious moments. No one is stopping you from falling in love all over again.

For those who are in a happy relationship (god bless you), you can always make new friends. Life after 60 can get a bit boring and at times, lonely. You wouldn’t want to spend this time feeling low. Go out, meet new people, make new friends, and enjoy yourself like there is no tomorrow. The future is uncertain and the past cannot be undone. The present is in your hands, so make the most of it.


Grow Your Own Food

Have you tried to grow your own food? It is one of the most enjoyable activities that people over 60 can try. You don’t need fancy tools or a lot of things to pull it off. Visit the local market and get the seeds of the vegetables that you want to grow. Prepare a small patch in your backyard or bring some pots. Ask around for some suggestions on planting the seeds. Take good care of the young plants and watch them grow in front of your eyes. Watching my little plants grow and bear fruit was one of the happiest experiences in my life. And then there is the subtle pleasure in preparing delicious recipes with vegetables that you have grown yourself, in your backyard. Somethings are truly priceless!


Become Fitness Conscious

I am sure that most of you, like me, are not appropriately fit. We may blame it on responsibilities and a hectic lifestyle. But after 60, there is no scope for making excuses, not even to ourselves. This is the perfect time to become a little fitness conscious and this means changing your diet, doing exercises, avoiding bad habits such as smoking, and making the most of what’s left of your health. If you have any prevailing ailments, then shifting to a healthier lifestyle can work wonders for you.


Go on a Road Trip

Not many of you might have had the opportunity to spend some quality time on a road trip that’s uncertain and challenging at the same time. I bought my first caravan at 60 and nothing has stopped me from going on those long exciting hauls. All you need for a road trip is a clean caravan, some caravan awnings or annexes, a strong enough towing vehicle, the required supplies, a map, and some form of entertainment. If you have grandchildren, you can always take them with you. They can be pretty awesome and their enthusiasm can surely rekindle the child in you.


Camp Out in the Wild

There is nothing I like better than camping out in the wild. Even if you are put up in a caravan park, you would still be surrounded by the wilderness. Just the thought of sleeping under the stars or sitting around a campfire with family makes me want to go to a camping site right now. Now that you have crossed 60, there are very few responsibilities that you might have on your shoulders. So relax, and take in each moment as it happens. From putting up a tent to cooking one-pot recipes out in the open, you will always find something to make you happy at a camp.


Get a Pet

Want a loyal companion? How about adopting a pet? I know that most of you might not have thought about bringing in a pet up till now. But now you have your opportunity. Get a cat or a dog and you will never be sad again. Pets have been known to sense human emotions and communicate without words. Rarely would you find a pet that is indifferent to your emotions. If you are sad, then the pet will cuddle up to you to make you feel better. If you are happy, then the pet will share your happiness with you. I too have a dog and he is one happy soul. Bringing him home was the best decision that I have made in my life.


Do Something Crazy

You might have been reluctant to try something crazy all your life, but now is the time to shed all those inhibitions and do something absolutely crazy. Want to jump off from a bridge with a bungee cord attached to your leg? Or would you prefer to involve yourself in some cosplay? Do it! There could not have been a more appropriate time than now. Don’t think about others’ opinions and overcome your fears. Take a leap of faith and bring out the crazy in you.


Perform in Front of an Audience

Not many are accustomed to performing in front of an audience. Some even get tongue-tied when asked to speak to a group. If you have faced this, then now is the time to take the stage and let the world know that you are a performer. You can sing a song, play an instrument, perform a stand-up act, or even tell jokes. It’s all about interacting with an audience and showing your hidden talents to the world (well, at least you could show it to a small group if not the world).


Become a Kid All Over Again

The beauty of ageing is that once we cross 60, we have all the opportunity in the world to become a kid again. There is no need to be grumpy or be confined to a life of boredom and monotony. Become a kid again and see the world though a whole new perspective. By this time, you would have fulfilled most of your responsibilities. So there should not be anything left to worry about. Being a kid again is all about letting yourself lose, removing inhibitions and living life the way it is meant to be lived – with happiness and love.


What are you looking forward to doing in your 60? Share below.

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