Why you should always agree to look after your grandchildren

The grandkids will certainly keep you busy.

A new study has found a striking link between grandparents and grandkids and is giving everyone even more reason to get involved in the little ones’ lives.

The study found that grandparents who regularly look after their grandkids live up to five years longer than those who don’t.

The groundbreaking research is the first to ever look into this link and it just proves what many grandparents already know: grandkids make you’re life better!

Not only do these grandparents live longer, they’re also healthier, happier and more independent as they age.

So if you ever needed an excuse to spend time with the grandkids, make sure you pass this on to your children!

Doctor David Coall who co-authored the study, said the link was “quite striking” and thinks it’s the rewarding feeling people get from spending time with their grandkids that makes all the difference.

“To our surprise and interest we found that grandparents who looked after their grandchildren survived five years longer than those that did not,” he said.

“Talking to a lot of grandparents, we find they speak most often about the happiness, satisfaction and pride that they feel about looking after their grandchildren.

“This might be one of the only situations in your whole life where you’re doing something and you expect nothing in return.”

It’s no secret that being around our grandkids is one of the most fulfilling and happiest times of our lives and if this research gives us another excuse to do that, we say bring it on!

Do you spend much time with your grandkids? Do you get to care for them regularly? How have they changed your life?