Starts at 60 Daily Joke: An elderly couple visit the doctor

An elderly couple learn something interesting during their visit to the doctor. Source: Getty

An elderly couple goes to their doctor for a checkup.

The man goes in first.

“How are you doing?” the doctor asks.

“Pretty good,” the old man answers.

“I’m eating well, and I’m still in control of my bowel and bladder. In fact, when I get up at night to pee, the good lord turns the light on for me.”

The doctor decides not to comment on the last statement and goes into the next room to check on the man’s wife.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

“I’m doing well,” the old woman answers.

“I still have lots of energy and I’m not feeling any pain.”

“That’s nice. It sounds like you and your husband are both doing well,” the doctor says.

“One thing though – your husband said that when he gets up to pee at night, the good lord turns the light on for him. Do you have any idea what he means?”

“Oh no,” the woman sighs. “He’s peeing in the refrigerator again.”

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