Facing prostate cancer can be a journey filled with uncertainty and tough choices. Source: Getty Images.
"There’s a persistent myth that heart disease is a men’s issue. This outdated thinking means that many women and their healthcare providers aren't looking for the signs of cardiovascular disease until it’s too late." Source: Getty Images.
Experts have long maintained that certain sleeping positions can lead to aches, pains, and even chronic health problems over time. Source: Getty Images.
It's never too late to start looking after your pelvic floor and empower yourself to lead a life of strength, confidence, and vitality. Source: Getty Images.
“The blood test can determine with 90% accuracy whether a person experiencing memory loss is suffering from Alzheimer’s." Source: Getty Images.
A new program aims to help older adults make healthier choices and reduce their risk of developing dementia. Source: Getty Images.
An expert shares her top tips for managing arthritis pain and maintaining a healthy sex life. Source: Getty Images.
Beloved actor Sam Neill shared his optimistic outlook on his health battle, emphasising his resilience and positive approach. Source: Getty Images.
The findings suggest that those aged over 60 are more likely to develop dementia if they miss only one per cent of what is called slow wave sleep. Source: Getty Images.