Roger Fox

Roger Fox

Roger Fox has spent more than three decades communicating the joys – and challenges – of growing plants and creating gardens in Australia.

A passionate gardener since he was a child, his tertiary studies in agriculture and horticulture led to a career in the horticultural media, where he has written widely, as well as editing several publications. From 2000 to 2019, Roger was the garden editor for Better Homes and Gardens magazine, where he covered everything from low-maintenance natives to bare-root roses.

These days, Roger works as a freelance garden writer and occasional podcaster, and spends the rest of his time messing about with plants.

Now is a good time to get your garden ‘drought ready’ with these tips from gardening expert, Roger Fox. Image source: Getty
With these ideas in mind, you can approach the warmer season with confidence and inspiration, ready to make the most of your gardening efforts. Source: Getty Images.
The arrival of spring brings a myriad of limitless possibilities to your garden. Source: Getty
Looking for ways to add tons of impact to gardens through different colours, sizes, shapes and texture? Image source: Getty
Rose pruning is all about rejuvenating the plant and – essentially – keeping it young. Source: Getty
The gorgeous New England aster, also known as Easter Daisies. Source: Getty
Mandarin trees are often alternate bearers, which can mean you’ll get a lot of fruit one year and only a few the next. Source: Getty
Rather than using a hose-on product on lawns at this time of year, apply a slow-release granular fertiliser, which will gradually release its nutrients over the next few months. Source: Getty
The trick is to choose the right rose for the look you have in mind. Credit: Getty.