Barbara Karafokas

Barbara Karafokas

Barbara Karafokas ( is a qualified nutritionist, and a health, nutrition and wellness consultant. She inspires others to celebrate and love life by creating healthier eating and lifestyle habits and attitudes for life! Barbara lives on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus. She brings a blend of skills to her practice and teaching. For over twelve years she has been committed to creating awareness about the hidden dangers to health. Barbara is also the author of The Med Life Diet (, a beginner’s guide to creating healthy eating and healthy lifestyle habits and attitudes for life!

How to reduce your sugar intake once and for all
A guide to eating healthy eggs
3 beneficial herbs for over 60s
The truth behind using lemon water for weight loss…
10 anti-ageing fruits for vibrant and youthful skin
Doing this can safeguard you from dementia…
Superfoods for women (and men as well!)
Naturally improve your IBS symptoms
10 ways to boost your feel-good levels
Stories that matter
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