Celine Dion’s tribute album to her husband is heartwarming

Celine Dion has shared her heartbreaking journey of grieving for her late-husband Rene Angelil with the world.

Now, the singer is taking us on another journey with a new album paying tribute to Rene.

While you might be expecting the album, titled Another Evening, to be sad, Celine insists it won’t be.

At a concert last month, she told her fans “this is not a sad album”.

“It was difficult at first for me to go into the studio and touch a bit sensitive passages,” she said.

15 songwriters worked with Celine on Another Evening (Encore Un Soir), with the singer asking them to “sing her life”.

The album is expected to mourn her years alongside the man she loved,  with some heartbreaking lyrics in several of the songs.

Read more: Celine Dion’s first speech about her husband since his death is just heartbreaking

One song titled If It Again is dedicated to her love affair with Rene.

Lyrics in the song include:

“If it again, I would pass by you, if it again, you spend there. On our roads yesterday, who else better than you?”

Read more: Celine Dion is making the ultimate tribute to her late husband

Another song, titled On the Highest Branch tells the story of Celine overcoming her grief.

One of the lyrics from this song is  “There will be of course a malaise, as a brief hesitation. When placing the chairs for the meal Eve. You will live in our silences, random conversations.”

What a heartwarming tribute to the man she loved.

Other song titles include I Want Us, To You and My Strength.

If you’re looking forward to the album, it’s due to be released on August 26.

The French version – Encore Un Soir will be released first.

An English version will be released in 2017.