What’s your favourite smell?

Do you just love the smell of rain? How about when you walk pass the bakery and catch a whiff of freshly baked bread? Mmm…yummy.

If you love these smells, you’re not alone. According to a survey involving 2,000 people, freshly-baked bread came out tops. In fact, it even beat the irresistible aroma of bacon, freshly-cut grass and coffee to be at the top of the list of 50 favourite smells.

The top 10 included cakes baking in the oven, the seaside, freshly laundered clothes, fish and chips and fresh flowers.

However, don’t be surprised as some stranger smells also made it to the list like log fires, fresh paint, petrol and matches.


1. Freshly baked bread
2. Bacon
3. Freshly cut grass
4. Coffee
5. Cakes baking in the oven
6. The seaside
7. Freshly washed clothes
8. A Sunday roast
9. Fish and chips
10. Fresh flowers
11. A real Christmas tree
12. Roses
13. Vanilla
14. Scented candles
15. Log fires
16. Lavender
17. Lemon
18. Chocolate
19. Barbeques
20. Cinnamon
21. Babies
22. New car
23. Orange
24. Freshly washed hair
25. Coconut
26. Freshly cleaned house
27. Leather
28. Rain
29. Aftershave
30. Christmas cake
31. New books
32. Lime
33. Doughnuts
34. Fresh paint
35. Bonfires
36. Petrol
37. Matches
38. Sun cream
39. Cotton
40. Shampoo
41. Cherry
42. New carpets
43. Marzipan
44. Musk
45. Popcorn
46. Furniture polish
47. Wine
48. New house
49. Cheese
50. Biscuit


What smell do you really like?

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