Men ageing gracefully – Who’s your favourite Silver Fox?

Sep 01, 2014

silver foxes

A poll of over 1000 people in the UK has revealed something we probably already knew… That George Clooney is a “Silver Fox”…   the sexiest ageing star in Hollywood.

The poll by a hair transplant centre in northern England, named 53 year old George at number one, followed by Brad Pitt, who is now 50 years old at number two, and Johnny Depp who is 51, at number three.  It then went on to name further middle aged men Daniel Craig, the most recent James Bond Aussie hottie Hugh Jackman of Wolverine fame at number six.  Funnily enough, all the men named have lusciously full heads of hair… which we want to challenge a little.  Surely men with a few less strands on top can still qualify on the top of the hot-list.

So I think we can get a better grip on the hottest men in Hollywood today, from the perspective of the over 60 in Australia and New Zealand!  So we’ve included a good range of men aged 43 and over…

What we really want to know is who you would vote for in our own poll of Sexy Screen Silver Foxes… We’ve set the poll up below.  Put your answer in and tell us in the comments.  Let’s have some fun and enjoy the results!

Tell us if we’ve missed someone!  You get three votes in this poll!

[polldaddy poll=8279242]

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