Food bank receives 46-year-old soup can as donation

Source: @CardiffFoodBank on Twitter

The Cardiff Foodbank in Wales unexpectedly found their noble cause going viral today when they revealed one of the strangest donations they’d ever received: a tin of soup determined to be at least 46 years old.

The can was priced in shillings – a currency not used locally since 1971.

While the can had no expiry date, it’s safe to say it’s seen better times:

Cardiff Foodbank’s parnership and fundraising officer Helen Bull assumes the donor hadn’t noticed the product was out of date at all – let alone by decades.

“Unfortunately what sometimes happens is that when an older person dies the family will clean out the cupboards and they want to donate and don’t necessarily realise that it was out of date.”

Thankfully, the donation wasn’t in vain. Twitter users quickly embraced the find, teaming up to identify the can’s decade of origin. Even Heinz and the original packing plant got involved in the unfolding investigation…

According to the Daily Mail, this comes just one day after Colchester Foodbank in Essex shared a bag of macaroni pasta with a use-by date of 1977.

Fess up: what’s the oldest item you have hidden in the back of your pantry?

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