Got a great deal?

Create an offer for the deal-hungry Starts at 60 community.

Submit your offer here in these 3 easy steps:

  1. Fill out the below form
  2. We will invoice you
  3. Pay the invoice

Pricing starts from $1,000 per deal per month

This includes 1x eDM feature panel per deal per month (valued at $2,500).

If you have any questions, email [email protected] or call 0432 463 118.

Company Information

This will not appear on the deal. This is for our records only.
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Deal Information

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Call to action phone number for customers to make enquiries.
This selection will determine where your deal will appear on the site.
Describe the deal details (eg. 20% off, 2 for 1, etc.).
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Once approved, the deal will be visible from this date. Leave blank to run permanently.
Once approved, the deal will be stop being visible after this date. Leave blank to run permanently.
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Your Accounting Contact Details

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Terms and conditions apply to all offers. View the individual offer for full details, including expiry dates. Retail partners, offers and discounts may change at any time without notice.

Terms and Conditions

* Clients are responsible for the offers submitted above including the correct URL links and deal information
* Clients acknowledge that their offer will not go live until the invoice is paid in full
* Starts at 60 is not responsible for non-delivery of advertised offers by clients