Many of us still have at least one loved one who either lives alone or is in our care.
For those of us in that situation, our elderly relatives can be a constant worry – What if they have a fall? What if they are robbed?.
But what can you do to help keep them safe?
Well, there’s plenty of little things you can do to keep your elderly loved ones safe at home.
The American Geriatrics Society’s Health in Aging Foundation has produced a set of safety tips for elderly people who live alone, which Starts at 60 has adapted for Australian audiences.
Firstly, it’s important to make sure your elderly relative or friend has a list of emergency phone numbers handy. Whether they’re written down in large print near the phone, stored somewhere easy to access in their mobile phone or stuck on the fridge, it’s important for them to be easily accessible in an emergency. These numbers should include 000, a family member or friend in case of an emergency and the number of a doctor.