Your June astrology forecast is in

May 28, 2017
What does June have in store for you?

In this moment, what are you feeling? We’re generally aware of our bodies and what we’re thinking, but often discount or disregard our feelings. Why is that? In this age where we’re all striving to become more enlightened and perceptive, we still don’t honour our feelings enough. We often neglect to acknowledge our intuitive, emotional and sensitive side, instead paying too much attention to the voices of self-doubt and worry. In essence, we starve our feelings instead of nourishing them.

Our feelings are an innate guidance tool, directing us through life and helping us to make the right decisions and to connect with the right circumstances. Just as the muscles of our body are strengthened by daily use, so do our feelings grow stronger when we pay attention to what they tell us! By honouring our feelings we can be more in touch with our personal truths and encourage our unique self expression.

In this Solstice Month we’re encouraged to nurture our emotions. In the weeks ahead we are urged to support our inner sensitivity and feed our feelings – not with pizza but with positive appreciation, validation and confirmation of the intuitive voice within! The Astrological energies of June prompt us to be mindful of our true internal barometer in order to better honour, respect and care for ourselves.

June begins with Mars, the planet ruling our actions and energies, going into the nurturing sign Cancer on the 5th. This brings a focus on our family and home life and how we relate to those we share our lives with. True “family” are those that we consider close to our hearts and important in our lives, regardless of blood connections. This is a time to look at how those we align ourselves with shape who we are.

Starting 6 June, Venus goes into Taurus. As the Goddess of Love planet shifts into this earthly sign, issues regarding our emotional security will be emphasized. We are urged to acknowledge what will bring us greater feelings of support and confidence when it comes to how we relate to others and the comfort we seek.

This is a time for not only focusing on greater stability in love and creative connections, but appreciating greater joy and sensuality too!

On 7 June Mercury starts its progression into Gemini. As the planet governing communications moves into its ruling sign, we’re able to voice our opinions, share our thoughts and advance our plans and projects! Greater curiosity, communications and socializing enable us to be more outgoing and articulate our visions with greater agility! This is the green light for speaking up, being heard and sharing your insights while at the same time enriching your self expression.

June’s Full Moon will occur on the 10th in the sign of Sagittarius! This is a time of culmination, helping us to embrace the larger view of our world and discover not only more about ourselves but the diverse viewpoints and different opportunities for learning that surround us. In sharing our wisdom with others we also have the chance to gain new awareness from what they offer us. As we open our minds to explore more broad-minded beliefs and positive philosophies, we have greater ability to connect and communicate with others.

We celebrate the Solstice on 20 June when the Sun goes into Cancer. Honour the start of this new season by enriching your connection to others, joining with those you care about and encouraging a feeling of greater nurturing all around! Be mindful now of how you can cultivate greater feelings of support, kindness and love for those in your life – as well as for yourself! Join together with those you care about to celebrate the Solstice by paying more attention to security issues, emotionally and physically, as well as greater respect and care of one another.

Lastly, on 24 June we have a New Moon in Cancer! New Moons represent beginnings and in the feeling and caring sign of Cancer this Lunar pairing encourages renewal of our nurturing expressions. This is a time for making use of our intuition, idealism and imagination to further our need for comfort and security. Start something today that will help support and honour your feelings while contributing to your emotional foundations. This is the Matariki New Moon, and with it we begin a new cycle of love and understanding, for ourselves and those we care about.

Joyous June and All Best Wishes to those at Starts at 60!

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