Lately, I’ve been looking at my body in the mirror and I’ve noticed that things are changing. I weigh the same as I did in my 30s, but my shape has morphed into something else.
My belly is expanding. It’s like a relative who comes to visit and refuses to leave. Plus, my boobs have moved to my waistline. I’m starting to look like a bowling pin. Am I the only one? I move around a lot, and although I’m not running or biking for hours at a time, I’m still in motion most of the time.
Don’t tell me it’s wine or ice cream. I know that adds to the problem, but I still eat pretty well. But things are changing. I’m not about to work out four or five hours a day just to get rid of it. I guess I could wear one of those Spanx things if it’s bothering me, but I’d have to wear it 24/7 to feel good about my physique.
Part of the problem is the fact that I come from Los Angeles, the home of string bean actresses who dine on salads. The entertainment industry mandates that everyone should be thin as a straw. It was a social no-no to be overweight. But now that I’m down here in Florida, I see what real bodies look like after the age of 60. They are a little plump. I hear that having a little extra meat on you is good in case you have to fend off an illness. I also think that if you fall, having a fleshy cushion prevents a serious fracture. I also know that having a little extra heft contributes to increased bone density.
Most of my heavier friends don’t have problems with their bones. But I do. But if I put on 20 pounds, each extra pound feels like an extra 8 pounds on my knees. So I have to pick my battles. Do I wanna fret about my bone density or have my knees hurt? I’d rather reduce the stress and pain on my knees.
Don’t get me wrong. I do miss looking like I did when I was 30. My muscles were lean, I was agile, and doing anything physical posed no problem. But that was then, and this is now.
What am I going to do about it? Not much. I’ll continue to watch my weight and probably invest in looser tops and more pants with those comfortable elastic waistbands.