What is your pet peeve?

While everyone have their own set ways and individual quirks, sometimes, these can be annoying instead of endearing – some more so than others. These are referred to as pet peeves – annoyances that never fail to put you in a mood of resentment, anger or just plain unhappiness.

Everyone has a list of things that just rub them the wrong way. Here is a list of a few common pet peeves:

  • Drivers who don’t indicate while turning or changing lanes.
  • People with bad manners and a blatant disregard for etiquette.
  • People who use incorrect grammar.
  • Know-it-alls that interrupt while you’re talking.
  • Those that borrow books and either never return them, or return them in a bad condition.
  • Dirty surroundings, particularly dirty dishes in the sink.
  • Someone who decides it’s a good idea to talk during a movie, TV show or anything that requires attention.
  • Those that chew with their mouth open – whether it is food or even a stick of gum.
  • People who enter elevators, buses, and trains before the ones exiting have had a chance to disembark.
  • People who talk loudly on the phone.

Are these on your list of pet peeves? If not, tell us, what are some of your biggest nerve graters?

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