As Prince George turns 6, a look at all his official birthday photos so far

Prince George has been pictured for each of his birthdays so far. Source: Getty (left) and Twitter/Kensington Palace (right).

Prince William and Catherine started a very popular and moving tradition when their eldest son Prince George was born, and they’ve done the same for each of his two siblings since – releasing new and beautiful photographs to mark their birthdays.

And as George turns six on Monday, royal supporters are eagerly waiting to see whether there will be more official photos to look forward to on his big day.

From snaps of the young prince as a baby in his mother’s arms, right through to him cheekily smiling at the camera and playing with the family dog, the royals have revealed a little more of his life behind closed doors in each of the photos so far.

Here’s a look at some of the most memorable birthday snaps:

First birthday

Prince George looked adorable in photos released for his first birthday. Source: Getty.
Prince George looked adorable in photos released for his first birthday. Source: Getty.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge truly kicked things off in style for their son’s first birthday, as they released a series of photos from a fun photoshoot during a visit to the Natural History museum’s butterfly exhibit.

George was seen running around on his own dressed in striped dungarees and little shoes, before pointing up at the butterflies above him.

Prince George appeared enthralled by the butterflies. Source: Getty.
Prince George appeared enthralled by the butterflies. Source: Getty.

Meanwhile, more photos showed him cuddling up to his proud parents as they beamed in the candid snaps, all taking in the colourful insects around them.

Second birthday

Just a year later, Kensington Palace released a beautiful photo of a cheeky Prince George smiling in his father’s arms, as he leaned into the camera for the perfect shot.

Wearing small red shorts and a white top, he appeared a complete natural in the snap as they stood together outside their home. To celebrate the big day, the Grenadier Guards also stopped their usual routine to play ‘Happy Birthday’ in the young prince’s honour.

Third birthday

For George’s third birthday, William and Catherine really treated royal fans as they once again released a series of photos from a photoshoot – this time showing a glimpse of their life behind closed doors.

The snaps, taken at the family’s home at Amner Hall, in Norfolk, showed George playing with their dog Lupo on a picnic blanket while feeding him some of his own ice cream, apparently oblivious to what’s going on around him.

Meanwhile, more photos featured him sitting on a rope swing outdoors – just like any other child his age and without any of the royal splendour many would expect to see – before more showed him in another outfit laughing as he walked through the countryside.

Fourth birthday

Scaling things back and releasing just one special photo on his fourth birthday, parents William and Catherine shared a portrait of George beaming straight at the camera dressed in a striped shirt – looking incredibly grown up compared to his previous snaps.

The official picture was taken at Kensington Palace in London, where the family live, by royal photographer Chris Jackson.

Fifth birthday

For his most recent birthday last year, Prince George was pictured in another smiling portrait – this time in the garden of Clarence House in London.

He was seen laughing up at the camera with his hands behind his back, wearing some navy shorts and a white shirt.

Are you a royal fan? Are you looking forward to seeing the photos the royals release of Prince George?

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