Let’s Talk: How could Bill Shorten win your vote?

Bill Shorten has a huge uphill battle ahead of him. So what – if anything – would it actually take for him to win your preference?

The election is a long way off, but with parliament next week, it’s safe to say we’ll have a long year ahead of campaigning and positioning. A great deal can go right for either candidate in the coming months, and a great deal could go horribly wrong.

At this early stage, however, it’s very clear who Australia would prefer right now as Prime Minister.

Yesterday Labor kicked off its 2016 campaign, and by all accounts, Shorten is already in “election mode”.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Shorten appeared in Brisbane yesterday to launch a “Fight for Queensland” campaign, but effectively gave an election campaign speech. He promising to uphold Labor’s core values: of education and healthcare for all Australians, keeping penalty rates, and avoiding any raise in GST.

“Since our parliament last sat in December, Mr Turnbull [has cut] $650 million from Medicare,” he said.

“And he’s embraced the Liberal Party’s eternal campaign to abolish penalty rates”.

“Only people who have a very high salary can declare the weekend is over… Who is he to hand away your time with your families for nothing?”

“Forget all the sweet talk, your right to a sound health system, your right to a good education for your children, your rights at work are under attack”.

According to The Guardian, Australia’s voting preferences are relatively unchanged from when Tony Abbot won the 2013 election: the Coalition has 53% support, while Labor remain at 47%.

After enjoying a honeymoon period of enormous popularity, Malcolm Turnbull’s approval rating has dropped a little – his first time since gaining the top job. Shorten’s rating, however, had fallen with him. It will clearly take something drastic on either side for this to change.

As such, we’d like to ask the Starts at 60 community a serious question: what could Bill Shorten do that could genuinely secure your vote?

Would it take a strong stance on an issue you hold dear? A major misstep from the Turnbull government? Or does he already have your vote? Share your thoughts below…