Is your foot pain being a real pain in the …foot?

Foot pain can limit mobility. Source: Getty

Is your foot pain being a real pain in the foot? Foot pain and soreness can have a detrimental impact on a person’s quality of life.

You can’t walk, move, or stand comfortably, daily tasks become difficult, and your life gradually slips out of your hands. If you have unexplained foot pain, here are some common causes of foot pain:

Shoes that don’t fit well

Lots of people who are 60 or older are wearing shoes that are far too small. Due to hormonal changes throughout your life, your feet lose fat on the soles as you age. Additionally, ligaments and tendons may lose elasticity and your feet get wider. Shoes with narrow toe spaces, too high of a heel, and a lack of support may also cause pain in your feet. These things can lead to hammertoes, corns, calluses and bunions.

Muscle cramps

Foot cramps can lead to soreness. Cramps can be prevented by maintaining adequate hydration, good nutrition, and time. Abnormal electrolyte balances can cause cramping and should be discussed with your primary care physician, as it could be due to low potassium calcium or magnesium levels, or a side effect of medications.

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

Peripheral Arterial Disease is a disease that occurs due to ta narrowing of arteries leading to the extremities. This can be indicated by leg or foot cramping, and is diagnosed through a Doppler ultrasound called an ABI.


Osteoarthritis is often linked to genetics, being overweight or from a previous injury.  Osteoarthritis could cause foot pain, as it damages the cartilage joint surface, which may swell the foot or ankle. It can also impact the bones and ligaments of the affected areas. Light therapy – which works by stimulating cells and increasing circulation –  is one treatment option for osteoarthritis. As always, your primary doctor is the best person to discuss this with.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Rheumatoid Arthritis is caused when the immune system attacks the membrane which protects joints. It can often begin in just one joint, however, it can occur in more than one joint at a time. Rheumatoid Arthritis often leads to swelling and stiffness in the foot, and occurs commonly of a morning.


Diabetes can cause nerve damage to the lower legs and feet, as well as reduced blood flow. This adds an increased risk of foot ulcers, which may not heal due to the restricted blood flow, and may become infected. In cases like this, surgery can stop it from spreading. Diabetes can present as foot swelling without a known cause, which could be a fracture or dislocation that has not been noticed.

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