Is this the real reason Cassandra Sainsbury was in Colombia?

An undated photograph of Cassie Sainsbury. Source: YouTube/Breaking News Today

There are new claims out about the reason Cassandra Sainsbury was travelling in Colombia.

Sainsbury was arrested last month at Bogota Airport after allegedly trafficking 5.8 kilograms of cocaine. At the time the 22-year-old claimed to be a personal trainer although her fiancé said she was making international contacts for a cleaning firm.

However Channel Nine has aired claims she has been working in a brothel, and had been a “fly-in, fly-out” prostitute, regularly travelling between Sydney and Adelaide. She has also been accused of scamming money from her brothel co-workers, after they said she claimed her mother died and she needed money for funeral costs. It turns out her mother is still very much alive. Sainsbury’s mother Lisa and sister Khala have travelled to Bogota with 60 Minutes and have visited Sainsbury in El Buen Pastor prison.

The 60 Minutes program reported claims by Sainsbury’s lawyers’ that she fell victim to an international drugs syndicate, which forced her to act as a drug mule by threatening her life and the life of her family.

Read more: Cassie Sainsbury’s finance ‘person of interest’.

Following news that Sainsbury’s fiancé was a person of interest, Channel Seven also aired a story revealing a former girlfriend was also an accused drug smuggler.  Scott Broadbridge spoke on the current affairs programSunday Night and said he was surprised he was a person of interest. “Because someone in my past is a drug dealer, and Cassie is going through what she’s going though, that I’m now going to be targeted,” he said. “It complicates it. We are both against drugs.” 

Mr Broadbridge told Sunday Night his fiancé had been working for a commercial cleaning company once owned by her uncle Neil Sainsbury when she went overseas. He said the new owners paid for her trip to Colombia. But Mr Sainsbury, a former military investigator, told Sunday Night he had never owned a company, let alone a cleaning company, and that he had never employed his niece. “My niece Cassie has never been employed by me, I’ve never owned a business whatsoever,” he said.

What do you think of the two rival stations reports?



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