Is it time to change the Aussie Flag?

Mar 11, 2014

The Kiwis are said to be headed to the polling booth to vote on a new flag. And it has kicked off discussions about whether Australia’s flag needs an update too.
“The design of the New Zealand flag symbolises a colonial and post-colonial era whose time has passed,” said New Zealand Prime Minister John Key in a speech yesterday. “The flag remains dominated by the Union Jack in a way that we ourselves are no longer dominated by the United Kingdom.”

It seems New Zealand will no doubt be headed for his known preference of a silver fern, the symbol of their patriotism and the emblem that Mr Key is known to favour in discussions.

A group called AusFlag have been lobbying for the move to change Australia’s flag for many years. Their leader, executive director Harold Scruby told ABC News yesterday “(New Zealand) has got this fabulous logo… which they use on their football jerseys – it just gives them an immediate recognition.”

When you look at the Ausflag website it makes a good argument. but there is no doubt that it’s main message to “Get the Jack off our Flag” is a contentious one.

They say on their website…
A truly Australian Flag must represent:
Our nation and its people
Our past present and future
Our land
Our equality and diversity
Our achievements
Our hopes and aspirations
We can do much better. Help us create a flag which tells our story, not someone elses.

Here is one of the concepts shown on their website.  It is shown with the following explanation…

This design is half evolutionary and half revolutionary.   Whilst it retains both the Southern Cross and Federation Star of our current flag, it incorporates Australia’s national colours of Green and Gold.


australian flag_ausflag


Another option from their 1997 flag competition included:


This flag is a variation by Harold Scruby of Ausflag of Mark Tucker’s design and concept in Ausflag’s 1993 flag design competition.

The only change has been to centre the Southern Cross above the stylised representation of Uluru to give the flag better symmetry and balance.

But what do you think?  Should we consider changing our Australian flag?  And what do you think the design should include?  

images: Ausflag website

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