The fastest and easiest way to peel and devein prawns like a pro

Find out the fastest and easiest way to peel and devein prawns. Source: Getty

Nothing says Christmas like prawns. Barbecued or served fresh, prawns are a refreshing festive treat enjoyed by millions of Aussies around the country come December 25.

But peeling prawns can be a messy task, so Starts at 60 chatted with Melbourne-based personal chef Jaime Imbusch, to find out the fastest and easiest way to peel and devein prawns like a pro.. 

Start with the head

First things first. If you’re eating prawns the simple way – peeled and with a squeeze of lemon – you’ll need to get rid of the shell first. Hold the prawn, body in one hand, the head in the other and gently twist, he says. The head should come off cleanly — it’s that easy.

Then with your thumb, press on the belly and run your thumb against the flesh towards the prawn’s back. Jaime says to continue all the way down until the shell is completely removed, then pull off the tail.

Do you need to remove the vein?

The decision to devein a prawn is a matter of personal preference. The vein, or digestive track, that runs down the back of the prawn, isn’t harmful to ingest, but they are rather unsightly and can be slightly gritty.

Interestingly, prawn farms often stop feeding prawns before harvest so that the digestive track is empty when they are collected.

However, if you still want to get rid of it, all that is needed is a steady hand. Straighten out the peeled prawn and with a small paring knife run the blade down the centre of its back.

“This will allow you to remove the prawns intestine,” Jamie explained. “There may also be roe found here, which you can also remove.”

And the next time you peel prawns, don’t throw away the shells, Jaime advises.

Prawn shells, tails, and even the heads are packed flavour. Instead of tossing them out, save them and whip up a quick stock or prawn bisque. Alternatively, you can freeze the prawn shells for up to a month.

And the personal chef says that when it comes to good seafood, the greatest dishes are often the most simple.

“With great fresh seafood I love to keep it simple. Allowing the quality of ingredients to shine,” he says. 

Feeling inspired? If you’re on the hunt for a new recipe to wow your guests, give this garlic and honey prawns dish a go!

Garlic and honey prawns


  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon garlic, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, crushed
  • 450g medium uncooked prawns, peeled
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/2 chopped spring onion for garnish 


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together honey, soy sauce, garlic and ginger.
  2. Put prawns in a large ziplock bag or container with a lid. Pour half of the marinade into the container and shake or stir to combine. Place in refrigerator to marinade for a minimum of 15 mins or maximum or 8-12 hours. Cover the second half of the marinade and place in the fridge.
  3. Heat olive oil in a pan on medium heat. Discard used marinade and put prawns in the pan. Cook one side for about 45 seconds or until pink then flip. Pour in the second half of the marinade and cook for another minute or until cooked through.
  4. Take off heat and place onto serving plates with the spring onion as garnish. You can serve hot with your choice of veggies or rice.

How do you peel prawns? 

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