Three eyebrow tips for women over 60

Here are some tips to bring life back to your eyebrows.

When it comes to eyebrows and your age, there’s a good chance that what you did in your youth is having a dramatic impact today. Your eyebrows add that bit of structure and definition to your face, but put your hand up if, back in the day, you were a little heavy-handed with the tweezers.

If you are dealing with sparse or balding, misshapen, or thin eyebrows the following tips might come in handy.

Get back to basics

This one’s going to hurt more than a 15-minute wax at the beauty bar. If your eyebrows need a bit of restoration then you need to give them the time to do so. Ramy Gafni has some high profile clients in the eyebrow world — think Barbara Walters, Joan Rivers, and Ivanka Trump — and suggests you need to avoid plucking even just one hair for around three months if you want to get good brows.

Gafni also suggests getting a good multivitamin into your system and using a moisturising protein serum to encourage hair growth in that area.

Shaping and filling

Just like your hair thinning, if your brows are disappearing it’s a common problem with age. You can use a brow powder to fill in the patchy spots and make your arches look thicker. Start by straightening and extending the line of your eyebrow by removing hairs from the curved underside at the beginning of the brow (near the nose). Then, with a stiff, angled brow brush, dust on some powder in the same direction as your hair is growing. Try and use light, feathery strokes. You want to concentrate the sparse areas. When you’re done, give the brows a bit of a brush with a tool that looks a little like a mascara wand (it’s called a spoolie), as this will give the eyebrows a more blended, natural look.

Trim and tame

If you have got bushy eyebrows you could be adding years to your age. Bushy brows can make your eyes look smaller, and if you have those long, coarse hairs hanging about all over the place they can make your eyelids look droopy. Grab a pair of brow scissors and some tweezers and prepare to be wowed!

Brush all the hairs in your eyebrow up with that spoolie and then use your brow scissors to cut the tips of hairs that extend above the top edge of your brow line. You want to trim them one at a time. Cutting them all in one hit will just make you look a bit odd. Then you want to pluck any stray hairs with a slant-edge set of tweezers. Removing hairs growing outside your natural brow shape. Finally, get some clear gel and set the hairs into place.

With these simple tips you can be looking fabulous at any age.

Do you take regular care of your eyebrows? What tips and tricks do you have?

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