Text too small on your screen? Here’s how to make it readable

At SAS we get a lot of questions, and this is one of our most common! Here’s how to increase the font size on your phone, tablet or computer.

Change text size of internet pages

  • iOS – go to Settings, Display & Brightness, and adjust Text Size and turn Bold Text on. When you apply bold text you will need to restart your phone and when it turns on, all text will appear bolder and easier to read.
  • Android – go to Settings, Display & Brightness and Text Size and choose size (small, normal, large or huge). Unfortunately there’s no “bold” option for text on Android phones though Android devices running the new Lollipop update have an experimental setting called “high-contrast”. This adds a distinctive outline around some on-screen text.
  • Computer – in your browser, click ‘View’ in the menu. You should see ‘Zoom in’ and ‘Zoom out’ options.

Magnify text of phone 

  • iOS – within the Accessibility screen, select Zoom and turn the slider On. A translucent box will appear and you can drag it around the screen to magnify the text.
  • Android – go to Settings, Accessibility, Magnification gesture then flip the switch.

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