Bride outraged by in-laws’ ‘weird’ wedding day act

Jan 19, 2024
Apparently the in-laws had done the same thing at their other son's wedding a few years earlier. Source: Getty Images.

When it comes to weddings, there are a few unwritten dos and don’ts, but this bizarre act truly takes the cake and has understandably left the bride fuming!

The woman took to online forum Reddit to share the family drama, telling readers she had to have a small ceremony due to the pandemic and was horrified when her in-laws chose to renew their vows on the same day. But it gets worse, apparently, as they’d done the same thing at their other son’s wedding a few years earlier.

The woman explained that her husband-to-be approached her, right before the wedding day, to ask how she felt about the in-laws’ plan. “The night before the wedding, my fiancé asked me if I would be okay if his parents renewed their vows at our wedding,” the woman wrote. “He said he felt weird about it, but his dad [wanted] to keep it on the DL (down low) and even told my husband not to tell me.”

The woman added that, while she was put out and “aggravated” by the idea, she also understood somewhat. “Initially I’m [put out] by this, but we are getting married at the same place that they got married at 30 years ago, so I kinda get [them] wanting to renew there,” she wrote. “I’m a little aggravated by this though, because we’ve all been down at our [wedding] destination for about a week, but for some reason they have to do it on the day that we are getting married.”

To make matters even more uncomfortable, the woman revealed that her father – who officiated the young couples’ vows – was then propositioned by her in-laws to do the same for them. “So they use all of our decorations from the wedding ceremony and drag my father away from celebrating his wedding day with his daughter so they can renew their vows,” the bride continued.

The fuming bride finished her story by revealing that they figured out a few weeks after the wedding that the in-laws had “pulled the same shit” at their other son’s wedding a few years beforehand.

Most Reddit users were outraged by the bride’s story, and were quick to blast the older couple, labelling them “self-absorbed narcissists”.

“Twice? That’s not about the sentiment anymore. Didn’t your husband remember it happened at his brother’s wedding too?” one user asked. “Watch your family in law and husband closely, because this is a power play and your husband could do a little more to protect the both of you.”

One wrote, “what a wank! ‘Hey son, let me and mum mooch off your wedding and, while you’re at it, lie to your wife about it, k?'”

“It’s tacky that they’d do this – but for it to be the second time at their child’s wedding is just self-absorbed,” another said.

Others said they should split the wedding bill. “Send them a bill for half the venue and decoration costs,” one user wrote.

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