Daily Joke: A Sunday drive

Source: halfpoint.

Mildred and Alice, two little old ladies barely able to see over the instrument panel, are out for a Sunday drive. The car approaches an intersection. The light is red but they drive straight through, thankfully without hitting anything.

Alice, in the passenger seat, wonders about it. They soon come to another intersection and again the light is red. Once more the car drives straight through.

Alice thinks, “I must be dreaming. I’m pretty certain we’ve just driven through two sets of red lights”. Moments later she is sure they do the same again. She decides to be more watchful, to pay more attention. It isn’t long and sure enough, the car drives through red lights without stopping.

Now alarmed, Alice turns to Mildred and says, “Do you realise you’ve driven through at least four red lights? You could have killed us!”

Mildred turns and says, “Oh sh*t, am I driving?”

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