Is there a skill you’ve always wanted to learn? Here’s how to do it

Do you have some spare time or need a new hobby? How about trying new skill? Learning a new skill is not only good exercise for your brain but it can keep you entertained and be useful as well. The web is full of sites that provide step-by-step instructions and tutorials on how to learn new skills – from navigating the world of online shopping to teaching yourself a new language.

Check out these six websites that can each facilitate the development of a new and handy skill you might want to learn.

ASCCA: Computer and technology courses

The Australian Seniors Computer Clubs and Association is a group that facilitates the learning of technology-based skills in a friendly environment with likeminded people. The courses are person-to-person and you can learn a range of skills from using iPads to navigating online shopping sites such as eBay and Gumtree. Some courses are free, others are reasonably priced and you can join the association for added benefits.

Investopedia: Basic stock market tutorial

If you have any interest in the stock market and stock trading then Investopedia is the place to go. The stock market can be a confusing space to navigate on your own. On the Investopedia site is a detailed tutorial answering all your questions with detailed explanations to help you better understand the process of trading stocks. When you’re ready, speak to your financial advisor or accountant about setting a stock portfolio and you can trade from the comfort of you home!

DuoLingo: Learn a new language

An online language learning platform. DuoLingo boasts that 34 hours of learning on their site is equal to one university semester which goes for 11 weeks! They offer over 15 languages to learn and are always working on adding more. Learning a new language is a very handy skill to have, especially if you’re keen to head over seas on a holiday soon!

LifeHacker: Learn photography

Photography is a great hobby and skill to have. Not only is it enjoyable capturing moments that others can’t, it is a great way to make your best memories last a lifetime in high quality beautiful photos. This guide will walk you through everything from understanding how your camera works to how to edit images.

Coursera: Advance your education with a course or Specilzation

Coursera is an education platform collaborating with top universities and organisations internationally to provide universal access to the world’s best education. Users can sign up, learn on their own personal schedules and master topics all for free! The website features hundreds of Specializations and courses in business, computer science, data, engineering and more! Check it out.

YouTube is also a great place for you to learn any and everything so type in your request for knowledge in the search bar and check out some of the videos.


What skill would you like to learn?

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