The report points out that the current generation of Baby Boomers in the UK are for the first time, living life on their own terms, and they are forcing a shift in traditional attitudes. They have been liberated by decades of changes in health, wealth and the use of technology and are pushing against the boundaries pointing out to the world that they want to travel, dress, work and socialise like young people, not old people.
“Super Boomers are embracing the fact that they will be living for longer and are having a second go at being youthful. No longer does their age define them: their hobbies, interests and passions move them,” says the report.
The report showed that in the UK, the over 50s are controlling 89% of the nation’s disposable wealth, and accounting for 24 percent of the population.
And they’re not just working, they are running the businesses that power the economy or keeping themselves self-empowered. In 2014 there is more than 1.7 million entrepreneurs over 50, and one in five is self employed. And the important thing to note is that many have embraced the Internet as a source of business opportunity according to the report.
The Future Laboratory, the future-trend consultancy who have drafted this report say, The Super Boomers are only going to get more powerful.
“A second life awaits them and they have the financial security, health and vigour to make the most of it.”
The Reserve Bank is supporting this theory in Australia too. Their latest consumer spending data indicates that older households have increased their share of total spending over the last two decades significantly, due to both an ageing population and an increase in the average spending of older households.
No doubt, if you consider yourself one of these, it will put a smile on your face to finally be noticed by the mainstream. But not everyone is a Super Boomer and we’ll be wise to remember this as we generalise. The New Daily reports today there has been a 40 per cent rise in the number of people over 50 claiming the Newstart unemployment allowance between 2010 and 2013.
And so today, we want to ask if you think the Super Boomer is a real phenomenon for you… Are you one of them?
Are you pushing the boundaries of previous generations striving to dress, work, socialise and travel more and more actively? Tell us about it today.