There can be some risk and uncertainty for anyone thinking of making a big change in their lives, and perhaps none more so than moving house from the home where you have lived for decades.
But before you phone the real estate agent or schedule that garage sale, stop for a moment and consider – what is it that I think this change will bring, and what is the reality of what that will be?
Many have gone before you, and they have some wisdom to impart. Those I have spoken to have some interesting points to make about the expectations, the challenges, and the reality of such a move.
These are the 6 main things they feel you should know:
On the NSW south coast, one sea-changer says that in her area prices are actually cheaper than in the city on items such as furniture, white goods and electrical appliances. Also good quality clothes, often the same brands as sold in the city are selling for less.
“You start to begrudge travelling to the city”, said one Mornington Peninsula resident. “You start acting as though every day is a holiday. This can have a downside as friends start treating your home as a holiday house, even though it’s your principal place of residence. Also in summer the population swells from a couple of thousand to many thousands, but we love where we live and it’s the best thing we’ve ever done to move here”.
There are many, many positives for people who have made their sea change or tree change – quality of life, fresh air, huge star-filled skies at night, no traffic jams, people are more patient and friendly, you are more inclined to exercise daily when in beautiful surroundings, proximity to beaches, picnic spots and rainforests, views, farmers markets, community atmosphere, the list goes on.
So now comes the big decision, is it time for you to make a sea or tree change, and where would you be likely to go?