We’ve all been there: you open the box of your brand new phone, and don’t know where to begin. You get flustered trying to work out how to use it…but have you ever been like this Nonna when she received an iPhone?
Italian Nonna Paola was learning about how to use her new iPhone when her son decided to record the hilarious outbursts we was having.
The 78-year-old was trying to ask voice-recognition program Siri about the time in Italy but Siri has other plans. “Why no like my voice I talk gently!” she yells at the phone, which is having trouble understanding her broken English.
Siri tells Nonna that it values her, which leads her son to make her tell the device to ‘piss off’. She doesn’t like this and tells him that he makes her sick!
On goes the issues with Siri and it is hilarious. According to her son, Nonna is oblivious to her new-found fame, with over 500,000 views of her video.
Watch below and tell us, has this ever been you with a new device?