With public holidays come disruptions to Centrelink payments and with Easter only a week away, there are a few important changes you should be aware of before making plans around how you’re going to spend your cash.
Services Australia has announced there will be changes to Age Pension and other payments across the Easter period, meaning some people will need to report their income on a different date than usual, and others will receive their payments early.
Centrelink offices will also be closed on Friday, April 2 and Monday, April 5, meaning you won’t be able to report in-person on those days.
The government department says reporting and payment dates will change for some people due to the Easter public holidays, which may result in you being paid earlier than usual.
If you are required to report your income, your reporting date will be moved forward to allow for the public holidays, meaning your payment too will be moved forward. You will still need to report your income based on what you expect to be paid for the full reporting period. If you make a mistake, you have 14 days to correct it.
If you don’t need to report employment income, you will automatically receive your payment early.
You can still report your income online when the Centrelink offices are closed on April 2 or April 5, however, Services Australia warns that if you do this you won’t receive your payment until after the Easter public holidays.
You can report your income online through myGov or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or using Centrelink self-service over the phone.
Reporting dates have changed for those receiving Centrelink pension payments including the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payment, Pensioner Education Supplement, Carer Payment, Carer Allowance or a family payment.
If you are due to report on Tuesday, March 30, you can now report on Monday, March 29. You will receive your payment on Wednesday, March 31 and your next payment date will be Thursday, April 15.
If you are due to report on Wednesday, March 31, you can now report on Tuesday, March 30. You will receive your payment on Thursday, April 1 and your next payment date will be Friday, April 16.
If you are due to report on Thursday, April 1, you can now report on Tuesday, March 30. You will receive your payment on Thursday, April 1 and your next payment date will be Monday, April 19.
If you are due to report on Friday, April 2, you can now report on Wednesday, March 31. You will receive your payment on Thursday, April 6 and your next payment date will be Tuesday, April 20.
If you are due to report on Monday, April 5, you can now report on Thursday, April 1. You will receive your payment on Wednesday, April 7 and your next payment date will be Wednesday, April 21.
If your normal payment date is Thursday, April 1 you will be paid on Wednesday, March 31 and your next payment will fall on Thursday, April 15.
If your normal payment date is Friday, April 2 you will be paid on Thursday, April 1 and your next payment will fall on Friday, April 16.
If your normal payment date is Monday, April 5 you will be paid on Thursday, April 1 and your next payment will fall on Monday, April 19.
Reporting dates have changed for those who receive the following Centrelink payments: JobSeeker, Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance, Austudy, Special Benefit and Status Resolution Support Services Payment.
If you are due to report on Tuesday, March 30, you can now report on Monday, March 29. You will receive your payment on Tuesday, March 30 and your next normal payment date will be Wednesday, April 14.
If you are due to report on Wednesday, March 31, you can now report on Tuesday, March 30. You will receive your payment on Wednesday, March 31 and your next normal payment date will be Thursday, April 15.
If you are due to report on Thursday, April 1, you can now report on Tuesday, March 30. You will receive your payment on Wednesday, March 31 and your next normal payment date will be Friday, April 16.
If you are due to report on Friday, April 2, you can now report on Wednesday, March 31. You will receive your payment on Thursday, April 1 and your next normal payment date will be Monday, April 19.
If you are due to report on Monday, April 5, you can now report on Thursday, April 1 and you will receive your payment on Tuesday, April 6 and your next normal payment date will be Tuesday, April 20.
If you’re receiving JobSeeker, Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance, Austudy, Special Benefit or the Status Resolution Support Services Payment and don’t need to report your income, you will be paid early.
If your normal payment date is Wednesday, March 31 you will be paid on Tuesday, March 30 and your next payment will fall on Wednesday, April 14.
If your normal payment date is Thursday, April 1 you will be paid on Wednesday, March 31 and your next payment will fall on Thursday, April 15.
If your normal payment date is Friday, April 2 you will be paid on Wednesday, March 31 and your next payment will fall on Friday, April 16.
If your normal payment date is Monday, April 5 you will be paid on Thursday, April 1 and your next payment will fall on Monday, April 19.
If your payment isn’t mentioned above, check the Service Australia site.