Residents disturbed by ‘neighbour from hell’ caught in lewd act

Have you ever experienced problems with your neighbours? Picture source: Getty

Residents in the luxurious Sydney beachside suburb of Bondi are urging their neighbour to invest in curtains after catching him engaged in a lewd sex act through his window.

An anonymous man has penned a furious letter to his neighbour after witnessing the distasteful act and enduring loud music from him on countless nights during the week. The letter, obtained by Seven News, details how frustrated the man is by what’s going on next door.

“Having to yell out to keep the music down at 12:30am on a Wednesday morning to a fully naked guy playing with himself – really not cool,” the letter read.

The man explained how he lived in an area with many other working professionals who were impacted by the man’s confronting actions and loud music.

“We’d appreciate if you can keep the volume down late on weeknights,” he continued. “You’re close to a lot of people who have jobs and would prefer not to be kept up after midnight with loud music.”

The disgruntled resident also encouraged his neighbour to “invest in a set of headphones and curtains” to avoid embarrassment and disturbance in future. In addition to handing the note to his neighbour, the man has also contacted police.

He told Seven News the straw that broke the camel’s back was when he witnessed a man masturbating at his window.

“On Tuesday, the music was so much louder so I yelled out for them to keep it down,” he told the publication. “I looked and there’s this guy standing there by himself with the window open, facing outside, no pants on playing with himself.”

He said he tried to let the man know he had an audience, but it took him some time to shut the window. It’s not the first time noisy neighbours have made headlines in recent months.

In Brisbane, the mother of a disabled boy said she was shammed by an anonymous neighbour, who complained about the noises coming from next door.

Magenta Quinn explained that her son has a mental disability and can’t control the noises he makes. The neighbour urged her to keep her son inside and said that if the noise didn’t stop, she would take the matter further with the police.

While very different scenarios, we all know how disturbing noisy neighbours can be and the tension this can create. Residents should be free to do what they want in their homes, but at what point should a line be drawn? Furthermore, it questions whether writing anonymous notes is the best way to handle a situation, or whether people should confront their neighbours with a face-to-face discussion.

What do you think? Have you ever had a problem with a bad neighbour? How did you fix the problem?

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