The funny Christmas gifts people got this year

While there’s no doubt Christmas is a wonderful time to spend with your loved ones, something everyone can agree on when it comes to sharing in the festive season spirit is that we all like receiving a present or two under the tree. However, you don’t always get what you would expect.

From unusual packaging to unique clothing selection there are definitely a few laughs in this lot.

Christmas wrapping

This person’s friend’s sister has a wonderful sense of humour, we think, revealing it with so creative Christmas wrapping for the family…




100 Christmas Gifts

What about this person, who challenged their grandmother — albeit in jest — to buy them 100 items from a $1 store for Christmas. As it happens, grandma loves a good challenge though we are unsure as to how delighted this person is with their Christmas haul this year…

Photo: AceWayne4 / Reddit
Photo: AceWayne4 / Reddit

Is this a hint?

This person might have got the biggest hint from their parents that the time is right to ‘move out’, and after 24 years of living at home we aren’t surprised. Would you do something like this to your kids?

Photo: Cheetahkk / Reddit
Photo: Cheetahkk / Reddit

Grandma strikes again

It’s the thought that counts, especially when you go to all the trouble of making your grandkid’s Christmas gifts. Or at least that’s how it is for this granny, who seems to have struggled with this year’s Christmas socks…

Photo: Jacobthezombie / Reddit
Photo: Jacobthezombie / Reddit

This is… nice

This person thought a blanket made up with images of them all over it would make the perfect Christmas present for their girlfriend, but there was just a tiny problem when it arrived… The blanket received was of someone else. Not to be put out though, they went ahead and gave the gift anyway…

Photo: stvntckr / Reddit
Photo: stvntckr / Reddit

Not quite what your were expecting…

This person was desperately hoping for a Kindle for Christmas… You know, the ereader that allows you to browse, buy, download and read ebooks, newspapers, magazines and other digital media. Well perhaps the person buying the gift for him was a little hard of hearing because he ended up with a rather unique gift.

Photo: Sfarts69 / Reddit
Photo: Sfarts69 / Reddit

Have you received a funny Christmas gift over the years? Tell us about it (or show us a photo).

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