The little known trick to dry your wet clothes faster

May 01, 2024
"Not only does the method cut down on the drying time, the process uses less energy so you’re likely to save some money along the way!" Source: Getty Images.

With the colder weather of Winter looming, the dilemma of drying clothes in such chilly conditions quickly becomes an uphill battle.

However, fear not as a little-known trick promises to transform this predicament into a breeze.

Home hack expert, Anita Birges, has come to the rescue yet again with a simple solution to combat lingering dampness and moisture clinging to your laundry items.

Birges revealed that by simply tossing a dry towel into the dryer alongside your wet clothes, you can significantly reduce drying time.

“Did you know that throwing a dry towel in the dryer with your wet clothes absorbs most of the moisture, making your items dry faster?!” Birges explained.

“Not only does the method cut down on the drying time, the process uses less energy so you’re likely to save some money along the way!

“And if your home is anything like mine and you do at least 5 loads of washing a week, that can add up to quite a bit throughout the year.”

Fans were quickly won over by the innovative method, with one grateful individual pointing out that it even prevents moisture buildup in the laundry.

“Great idea,” one person commented.

“Handy coming into winter.”

“Absolutely I love doing this … helps if you get moisture in the dryer room too … I’ve noticed how short my dry times are and how the room is not dripping.”

Effective laundry hacks aren’t just confined to navigating the challenges that come during the colder months, there are also a number of nifty tricks for achieving results such as dazzlingly white clothes without the use of bleach.

Starts at 60 recently put the following methods to the test, to prove that some alternatives to bleach can get your whites looking as white as the day they were purchased.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy

Have you heard of a citrus soak? This recommended method of whitening is by the legendary Martha Stewart. Stewart recommends boiling your whites with lemons and lemon juice, getting the water to bubbling, and allowing them to soak for about an hour.

  • Fill the pot with water and a few slices of fresh lemon
  • Bring to the boil on the stove
  • Turn off the heat and add your items
  • Let soak for up to an hour
  • Finally, put them into the washing as normal

Stewart also recommends drying in direct sunlight for an improved result.

Pass the white vinegar, please

This method is a bit of a double whammy because not only do the whites get whiter, but the vinegar acted as a natural fabric softener. All you need to do for this one is add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to your whitewash during the last rinse cycle.

Forget stains with baking soda

There are so many uses for baking soda! If your whites are starting to look a little dirty, mix a solution of about 4 litres of water and 1 cup of baking soda to whiten your whites naturally. Allow the clothes to soak and marvel at how clean they are when done!

Alternatively, if there is a stain you are looking at removing, you can create a bit of a paste with equal parts hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and water. Cover the stained areas in a layer of the paste and let it sit for 30-60 minutes. Remove the excess residue with a soft brush and throw the item in the washing machine and wash as usual.

Hydrogen peroxide to the rescue

Another household staple that can help with whitening your whites is hydrogen peroxide. As you begin a new load of laundry, pour 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide (3 per cent) straight into your detergent or bleach dispenser, and proceed with your regular laundry routine. Hang your clothes out to dry in the sun for best results.

Use the dishwasher

More specifically, if you have any dishwasher tablets or powder on-hand give this one a go. Not many people would have thought of dishwasher soap as a secret ninja for their whites, but it works reasonably well. You’ll need to blend about 1/4 cup of dishwasher powder with your regular laundry powder and then run your wash as normal.





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