Super simple barbecue beef burgers

These beef burgers are so delicious and easy! Source: Getty Images

We love a good burger and there’s something satisfying about packing my own mince patties. This is a pretty simple beef burger recipe, and it’s because of this simplicity that we use it time and time again. It’s also guaranteed that everyone is going to eat it!

Traditionally, the secret to a great burger patty is to use beef that is nice and fatty. Fat = flavour. However, this recipe calls for lean mince and it takes nothing away from the natural flavour or the juiciness of the beef burger when cooked. When buying my mince (in fact, this applies to the majority of my meat purchases) we headed to our local butcher, but if that’s not an option for you, supermarkets sell good-quality beef too.

Remember, you can enjoy these burgers straight away or freeze them for those sunny days when you want to fire up the barbecue.

Here’s a tip: If you have ever cooked burgers and had the patty shrink, try denting the surface with your fingers. I learnt this trick from a food writer, and while the patty still shrinks a little, it’s certainly less than it would had I not put that dent in.

Serves 4



  • 500g pack lean minced beef
  • 1 tsp mild chilli powder
  • 4 slices mild cheddar, if you want to make cheeseburgers


  • 4 hamburger buns, lightly toasted
  • Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, gherkin, red onion
  • Tomato sauce, mustard, mayonnaise or all


  1. Put meat in a mixing bowl, then sprinkle over chilli powder and a little salt and pepper. Mix well (use your hands or a fork). The mild chilli powder gives the meat added flavour without making it too spicy.
  2. Divide mixture into four equal pieces, then shape with your hands into round burgers about the width of the buns, or pack the mixture into large rings (if you have them) placed on a chopping board. Press down on the meat to compact it, then carefully lift the rings.
  3. Fry burgers on a hot griddle or grill them outside on the barbecue for 5 minutes on each side, turning them carefully with a metal spatula. (Hot fat from the meat may spit a little, so be careful.)
  4. If making cheeseburgers, place a slice of cheese on top of the burgers when you turn them and let it melt. When they are ready, cut the burger buns in half and lightly toast them on the barbecue. (You don’t want to burn them.)
  5. Prepare toppings of your choice: separate lettuce into leaves and slice tomato, cucumber, gherkin and red onion.
  6. Assemble by spreading a little sauce, mustard and/or mayo on the bun, then top with the beef burger and toppings. Place top of burger on and enjoy!
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