Daily Joke: The breakdown

A commercial traveller, many years ago, became lost on a strange road on a wild, cold, stormy night. His car broke down. He thought he was in for a terrible night staying in the car but saw a house light in the distance. Half an hour later, soaked to the skin, he knocked on the house door. A farmer opened the door. Seeing a stranger so cold and wet, he asked him to dry by the fire.

The farmer and his wife provided true country hospitality. They showed him to a bathroom where he stripped and changed into a dressing gown so his clothes could dry by the fire. They had no phone at the house. The farming couple fed him and said he’d better spend the night on the settee.

While he was eating supper with them, a lovely young woman came downstairs. The farmers introduced her as their daughter, Ida.

In the small hours of the morning, the traveller realised the farmer’s wife was in the lounge, putting wood on the fire. “You poor man,” she said. “You must be so cold. Would you like our eiderdown?”

The traveller replied, “Oh, no thanks, I couldn’t cope. She’s been down twice already!”

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