On being a solo older female traveller

Jun 05, 2017

Do you remember those travel dreams you had when you were young?

Hopefully, you were able to fulfil many of them and have some wonderful memories of holidaying on the Greek Islands or shopping at Harrods in London. For many women they think their travel dreams are over, just because they hit the “magic 60 mark”

As you age, you start to understand there is “so little time but so much to do” and being an “older” female has some restrictions often placed on us by society and family.
It is about time that we start to think of ourselves as being an inspiration to others, not only to women of our generation but to our daughters and granddaughters. I like to think of myself as a stylish, strong and smart 60 year old and with a little planning I can do just about as much as I did when I was an 18-year-old gap student who set out to see the world.

Women like to travel for several reasons: memories, adventure, romance, or just to connect with other people and better understand humanity. I travel because I love to learn and have fun experiences.
Travelling with someone you get along with is wonderful, but let’s face it: Mr Wonderful may not have the desire, time or money to travel with you!

I am always surprised at the comments I receive from friends who want to travel, but feel they are unable to: school, jobs, commitments, husbands, children, cats and dogs, no one to go with etc. Each friend indicating, “I wish I could BUT…”
Why then, do the women I meet at the airport or on the road all say, “I wish I had done this years ago”?

The solution is pretty simple. The most important thing you have to do is take that initial step and say, “I am going to travel, I may have to travel by myself, but I will do this”. Your trip does not have to mean going on a long, extended overseas holiday; it can be something short and within your area at first, but you have to get used to the idea that unless you make it happen, it will not happen. There is no time like the present and remember, “so many things to do and so little time left”. If you know you may get some resistance from loved ones, start out by saying, “I want to go on a vacation, I would love to see…”

Ask your family about places they have been and get them involved in selecting something with you. Most people who have not travelled only see the outside world via the news on TV, and for that item to be broadcast-worthy, it most often involves bad news. But keep in mind, the chances of something tragic happening while you are on your trip are pretty slim, especially when you consider how may solo people are traveling everyday around the world.
Be strong and don’t waiver. Going to school on the first day was pretty hard too, but we all managed to compete that part of our lives. Consider making the decision to travel, to be another part of life’s journey.
There will be times when your heart nearly jumps out of your chest, but most times it will be because you got to see, The Grand Canyon, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, or the Coliseum in Rome.

I remember learning about Egypt as a small child at one teacher school in outback New South Wales. I tried to imagine how big the Pyramids would be compared to the large old, gum trees outside the school house window and got into trouble for not paying attention in class. My dream was to one day travel the world and sit on one of those big rocks that made up the Pyramids in Egypt. I had so much to do and heaps of time on my side. When I did get to sit on one of those big rocks, I thought back to my time at school and said to myself:
“If I can do this then anyone can!”

So make it happen now, there’s so little time, so much to do!


What is your ultimate travel destination? What is holding you back? Tell us about it below.

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