Talking to myself and other pastimes

Oct 04, 2013

It takes a bit of experience and practice to enjoy living on one’s own. The key is never to sit down and give in to feeling lonely. Plan each day. Always enjoy your meals, set the table for one, plan different menus to try. A trick of mine is to dress for dinner sometimes, keep music or the tele on most of the time, I even talk to myself occasionally…don’t laugh, at least I know I’m doing it.

Except when in need of sleep or a rest, keep busy. I’ve found doing a bit of sewing, or knitting, or crocheting or painting keeps me busy. I also garden when my back allows me. At night before hopping into bed, I turn on the radio and listen to talk-back till I fall asleep. I’ve got to know the various callers by their voices and often have a chuckle to myself at what they are saying, they are now familiar to me and I always look forward to hearing their comments.



I talk to my cat when out in the garden, and often have my lunch with her outside in the sunshine.

I used to feel a little lonesome many years ago, when widowed and children left home, but it has taken a bit of thought and practice to learn the art of living gloriously alone……..and now I actually enjoy it. I have children who visit now and then, and it makes it easier for them I’m sure, to see that I am happier and more content with my lot these days.

Another thing to do is to regularly have a “day out” by yourself. But dress up, hair styled, make-up, etc..just as you would if going with a friend, then catch the bus, go somewhere you fancy, maybe have lunch out, visit the art gallery, or do a spot of shopping, whatever you like, it does you good. Just keep your days planned and busy.

Never waste a day allowing yourself to feel lonely, life is too short, enjoy every moment of it in the best way you can.

Go to it!

image: Elizabeth Foote

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