About David Ingles and Miranda Stewart

Dr David Ingles has a BEc (Sydney), MEc Sydney and PhD (Public Policy, ANU). He has worked in the Commonwealth public service and also for the Queensland Government in research and policy advisory roles, and was a policy adviser to Ministers in the Hawke Government. He has recently been attached to the Australia institute. He specialises in tax and social security policy. Miranda Stewart is a Professor and Director of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at Crawford School of Public Policy, The ANU. She is also a Professor at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne. Her numerous edited or coauthored books include Not-for-Profit Law (2014, with O'Connell and Harding, Cambridge U Press); Tax, Law and Economic Development (2013, with Brauner, Edward Elgar); Housing and Tax Policy (2010: Australian Tax Research Foundation) and Death and Taxes (2014, with Flynn, Thomson). Miranda was a consultant to the Henry Tax Review on housing and has authored many articles in national and international academic journals. She is currently researching tax in a global economy and institutions of tax reform.