What pisses me off: Hold queues

Aug 04, 2013

It’s Sunday and do you know what pisses me off today… hold queues.

I have rung my telecommunications provider (Optus) to get some help with my mobile which is constantly dropping out and first I sit on hold to get to their main assistance line.  Then, that person can’t help me, so they put me on hold while they transfer me to their mobile support unit (about 5 minutes on hold, maybe more).  The mobile support person comes on the phone and I have to retell the same story I told the last person to them, before they decide that I am still in the wrong place and need to speak to their business mobile desk.  So, they put me back on hold, to wait a number more minutes listening to the glossy music… and then I finally get to the business mobile person… who I have to explain the whole situation to all over again.  The person says “Sure… I can help you, can I just put you on hold while I talk to my manager about your problem”…

Then they put me into a hold queue that I never get picked up from… Why do telecommunications companies do this?  Surely their staff recognise that they are there to provide Customer Service…. Have you had a similar experience in a hold queue?  Tell us about it today!


image: compscigrad


NOTE: What Pisses me off is a column published on Sundays that you can submit to… Do you have a “WPMO”? Send it in to [email protected] and we’ll publish it on upcoming Sundays… 

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