How your home can impact your health and wellbeing

Aug 15, 2018
Your home can have an affect on your health and wellbeing. Source: Nick Hillier

If you stop and think about it, your immediate surroundings do affect your overall wellbeing quite a lot. If you are surrounded by mess and an uninspiring environment, chances are that you’re nervous most of the time.

If you are nurturing your body from the inside and doing your best to exercise on a regular basis, but are not paying equal attention to your surroundings, chances are that your efforts to say healthy will be hindered. What you should do is show the same level of nurturing and love to your indoors as you do to your body. Here are a few easy and creative ways you can achieve that, and in doing so you can turn your home into a true wellness sanctuary.

Make sure your home is clean and healthy

To start your wellness journey, first make sure that your home is clean. However, instead of reaching for those store-bought cleaning solutions that are full of various chemicals and toxins, you should make your own. If DIY isn’t your thing, but you still want to do your bit for the environment there are also a lot of ready-made organic cleaning products – which ones you’ll choose to go with is completely up to you.

Give it a fresh coat of paint

Another way you can easily manipulate the vibe of your home is by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Take a long, hard look at your rooms and identify those due for a fresh paint job. Numerous studies show how various colours affect our mood and mindset, so let them be your guide. Colours like yellow or purple are a perfect fit for a home office as they promote creativity and vitality, various shades of green and blue are perfect for more serene environments such as the bathroom and the bedroom, bold bright hues work best in the living room, while oranges and reds are a perfect fit for the kitchen. Of course, for a truly healthy home always go with zero VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints.

Redo your bathroom

Since the bathroom is the room where you go at the end of every day to wash all that stress away and prepare your body for rest, it deserves a special treatment. To turn it into a true wellness sanctuary, first declutter it and then rethink the design. For example, and if the budget permits, you can choose to paint the walls light green, replace your shower with a comfrotable bathtub and add some greenery to create a truly serene environment. Also, add light, sheer window curtains and soft fluffy towels and bathrobes to create that spa feel, which you can elevate even further with scented candles.

Green up your home

The bathroom is not the only place you should implement greenery for a healthier home. Consider adding various plants to every room of the house. Not only will plants create a more serene environment, but they also purify the air, which is another benefit. Here, you can think in terms of various succulents, cacti, palm trees and trailing ferns. The choice of plants will depend on the amount of natural light that the room receives, so choose carefully. Another fun option would be to create a living wall. Not only do these purify the air and work as an amazing focal point, but they also additionally insulate the wall beneath.

Amplify your lighting

Dark and poorly lit spaces affect our brains in a negative way, making us feel tired and moody. Therefore, you should do everything you can to amplify the amount of light in your interior. You can either opt for creating an open floor plan and thus allow more natural light throughout the space, or you can choose to layer lighting in every room and thus create an environment that looks and feel peaceful. Alternatively, you can decide to combine the two, utilising natural light during daytime and switching the artificial light on when the night falls. For maximum efficiency, go for either LED or CFL light bulbs, as they are significantly more energy-efficient than incandescent light bulbs.

In order to be sure that you’re living healthy as much as possible, you need to start taking care of your mental health as well as physical. The best way to start  is by turning your home into a peaceful wellness sanctuary.

Have you considered how your home could be affecting your health? What do you think of these ideas?

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