Christchurch teenager charged for distribution of mosque shooting video

A Christchurch teenager has been charged for the distribution of the New Zealand mosque shooting video. Source: Getty

A New Zealand teenager has been charged for distributing the shocking footage of the Christchurch mosque shooting filmed by alleged gunman Brenton Tarrant.

The 18-year-old has been refused bail and will appear in court on April 8 in relation to the offence from March 15, when the attack took place, Stuff reports.

According to the publication the teenager will face two charges for the crime, for distributing the live stream which was spread across social media, for posting a photograph of the mosque in Deans Avenue with the message “target acquired” and further chat messaging that allegedly indicted extreme violence.

The teen, who is a Christchurch local, was reportedly initially charged with publishing insulting material with intent to excite hostility or ill will against a group of persons on the basis of race, ethnicity, or national origins, however, this was replaced with the most recent charges.

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